How Stephen Curry became the best shooter the NBA has ever seen

Speaker:  Scott Davis

Occasion: Post Victory Article ( Published day after Warriors won 2018 NBA Championships)

Audience: Stephen Curry fans or basketball fans in general

Purpose: Share how Curry’s shooting changed the NBA

Subject: Stephen Curry’s shooting ability



                 According to Scott Davis, the NBA has never seen a player like Steph Curry. Although Curry doesn’t have the athleticism of players such as LeBron James and Kevin Durant, his shooting has changed the NBA forever. Curry didn’t just wake up and become a great shooter. He put in hours of hard work and intense preparation. Davis gives various reasons on how Curry evolved into the best shooter. He reports that Stephen may have gotten his talent from his father Dell Curry, a former NBA player and also a great shooter. Davis also claims that as a young player, before his NBA days, Curry was a fierce competitor who was always torching people on the court. In agreement with what Davis is saying, Dell Curry gave a short story. He explained to Davis that at one of Stephens games in high school, he had to walk out of the gym because he couldn’t watch what his son was doing to those kids. Stephens current coach also went on the record and said : “What goes unnoticed is Steph is a killer. He is an unbelievable competitor. Maybe people are fooled because of the way he looks, or his demeanor. Everything seems to be so easy for him. But he is an absolute killer competitor.” On the other hand Curry wasn’t always a killer on the court. As a young teen he was a late bloomer. He got so used to shooting and a short boy, that when he finally grew he had to spend the summer learning how to release that ball from a different point on his body. In addition to these points, Curry also does intense dribbling skills, and practices basic fundamentals to make the game easier for him. Stephen also mastered a number of leg and core exercises that turned his career around. He was once a very questionable player because of his troubles with his ankles. Curry’s personal trainer,Brandon Payne, added that Curry’s core strength was ” second to none”. The last point that Davis makes in his article is an entertaining one. He reveals that Curry was practicing his shooting so much that after he was done ripping the balls through the net, the Warriors staff had to change the nets more often than they intended. All of this hard work paid off for Curry because he can now launch unbelievable shots from anywhere on the court and make them, and he can lead his team to numerous victories.

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